Join Us

Signing up Young People

To add your young person to our waiting list please complete our online form (, or send the following details to

If your young person has any special needs or other requirements, please let Leaders know when they contact you regarding a place.

*We currently only have a Scout Troop meeting on a Monday, however we would like to open a second on a Friday evening so that we can offer Scouting to more young people, but we need adult volunteers to run it.  If you would be interested in helping please see our Volunteering page.


Subs for all sections are £10 per month all year around; a portion of this goes to Group and District for insurance etc.

Please see our Standing Order and Gift Aid Form for the details to set up a standing order.

If you have not completed a Gift Aid form, please do so as soon as possible and return to

Join the Team

If you would be interested in joining our team of adult volunteers, please see our adult Volunteering page.